it seems like ages since I last wrote anything and it also seems like lots has been happening!
There's been plenty happening physically as well, in total, since Sept 2009 I have now lost 23 kg and weigh in at 53.6kg - I'm really looking forward to my next assessment in 2 weeks, as I'm hoping to crack the 12.5% body fat - that is my ultimate goal.
Why 12.5%? I don't know, it just seemed like a good number to get to! :-)
At my last assessment the readings indicated that we really need to focus on the oestrogen issue which has been holding back fat loss on my triceps, hamstrings and to an extent my calves, trouble is my supplements haven't come through so I don't know if I'll get the result I want.
where to start? lets go to Adelaide 1st - the rugby 7's was a great fun weekend, a group of 8 of us went and the 6 girls were all dressed as german beer wenches! the idea was to try and win the best dressed group prize of $1000 - we lost out to a chess set, but what a laugh the whole weekend was - everyone wanted their photo taken with the beer wenches :-)
here's me - how cute is the outfit!
I have to say I'm loving my new legs, thats what I think they are - new legs. I usually live in jeans and don't show them off, but I'm so thrilled with the results I've got working with Aiden - I'm really starting to get some shape and definition into them and my muscles are rock hard - even better than just after I got back from climbing Mt Kilimanjaro!
heres all of the beer wenches (yes I did get the skirt shortened to show off more leg!)
this is why we like the rugby.... :-)
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Naked Haka!! Woohoo! |
ok so its not really relevant to biosignature and fat loss, but what the hell, I thought I'd throw it in for something different! :-)
so that was about 3 weeks ago, then the following weekend I was having another (!!!) wardrobe clear out of stuff that doesn't fit and I came across a pair of work pants that I bought only 9 months ago, probably about July last year. So I was well into my mountain training and had probably lost about 14kg at that point - out of curiosity I tried them on....
so that was about 3 weeks ago, then the following weekend I was having another (!!!) wardrobe clear out of stuff that doesn't fit and I came across a pair of work pants that I bought only 9 months ago, probably about July last year. So I was well into my mountain training and had probably lost about 14kg at that point - out of curiosity I tried them on....
Wow! I'm totally tiny now - those are size 10! and I really do have abs!
There's been plenty happening physically as well, in total, since Sept 2009 I have now lost 23 kg and weigh in at 53.6kg - I'm really looking forward to my next assessment in 2 weeks, as I'm hoping to crack the 12.5% body fat - that is my ultimate goal.
Why 12.5%? I don't know, it just seemed like a good number to get to! :-)
At my last assessment the readings indicated that we really need to focus on the oestrogen issue which has been holding back fat loss on my triceps, hamstrings and to an extent my calves, trouble is my supplements haven't come through so I don't know if I'll get the result I want.
Having said that, what I will be able to get is a really clear idea of how much progress I've made purely from training.
You see, back last year it took me 5 months to get from 14.8% body fat to 13.6% and 57.7kg to 54.2kg just before Christmas. Then Christmas caused havoc, I piled on 3kg and 2%BF virtually overnight!
Once I started training with Aiden and working smarter rather than harder (although what he puts me through is definitely not a walk in the park!) we achieved a better result - 15.5% BF to 13.5%BF in just 8 weeks - I'm so stoked about the progress I've made. Every week something changes, some new muscles emerge or a extra level of definition comes through, its really exciting to see where this could end up.
You see, back last year it took me 5 months to get from 14.8% body fat to 13.6% and 57.7kg to 54.2kg just before Christmas. Then Christmas caused havoc, I piled on 3kg and 2%BF virtually overnight!
Once I started training with Aiden and working smarter rather than harder (although what he puts me through is definitely not a walk in the park!) we achieved a better result - 15.5% BF to 13.5%BF in just 8 weeks - I'm so stoked about the progress I've made. Every week something changes, some new muscles emerge or a extra level of definition comes through, its really exciting to see where this could end up.
I'm certainly putting in the hard yards - training 6 days a week with weights (hard and heavy), 1 session which is with my trainer (Ouch! usually takes 2 days for the pain to go away!) and I try and throw in a pilates or yoga session and maybe a run once a week as well.
That might sound like a lot of training, but Aiden has made it so easy and so much fun (having to be picked up off the floor cos my legs don't suck it up princess!!) that even getting up at 5:30 in the morning to get to the gym has become a no brainer!
I can't wait to see what happens next!
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