Well its been a fantastic few weeks since my last assessment and I'm totally amazed at the results I've got this time round - I didn't think it was possible! we'll get to that in a sec.
so what else is new? Well at the last minute I decided to pop up to Sydney for the Australian Fitness Expo on 17th April - I had several aims in mind, 1stly to meet the Jamie Eason one of the top fitness models for Oxygen Magazine - she's gorgeous! I also wanted to chat to the Oxygen models to get some tips for a photo shoot - yes I'm going to reward myself with a professional photo shoot for all my good work :-)
I also wanted to find out about what is involved with competing as a figure model, whether I've got the right type of physique and proportions - I've now had 8 personal trainers ask me what competition I'm working towards, so I must be doing something right, and finally I wanted to talk to Michelle and Shannon from The Biggest Loser and get their advice on how to deal with negative reactions from unexpected sources.
watch out! Woman on a mission!
The whole trip panned out better than I could have imagined! It was excellent. On the plane up to Sydney on sat night, the guy who sat next to me was HUGE obviously a VERY serious body builder - so I got chatting to him, which is not normally something I do on a plane - usually I just bury my head in a book, but I figured I could probably get some tips re figure modelling - any way this guy only turns out to be the current victorian bodybuilding champ and runner up in Mr Australia last year! so I hung out with him, we went and got sushi and then I caught up with him for brekky the next day - very cool.
So I get to the expo 1st in line - when the doors open, I'm off! 1st stop ASICS stand, talk to Shannon - but he was not doing sunday, bugger.
Next stop, Australian Institute of Fitness stand - Michelle Bridges - she's not there! bugger.
OK off to the Oxygen Mag stand - hooray! 1st success - Jamie Eason is there looking fabulous. I showed her my fat photos and asked her if she thought I should have a go at entering the Oxy mag cover girl comp - HUGE compliment she said to me that I almost looked like one of them so to absolutely give it a go! well knock me down with a feather!
Photo shoot is booked for 18th June! yay!
Ok, back to the AIF stand - still no Michelle, bugger.
back to oxy stand and I got talking to Nicky Jankovic - thank you Nicky for spending so much time with me being so generous with your knowledge and advice about competing, training, photo shoot tips and negative people - Elisabetta Rogiani outfit in blue on its way... (god I'm being a label queen!)
back to AIF stand again - yay! finally Michelle is there, she's signing her book and there's a massive queue. I really want to find out what she tells her contestants about handling not just the physical change they go through but the mental and emotional aspects of their transformation - because getting the contestants head in the right space is what they have to get right so they can survive on the outside.
So I join the queue and when I get to the front, I showed Michelle my fat photos and photo of me at the top of Kilimanjaro. She was very encouraging and then horror of horrors - I started asking her about negative people and I burst into tears!!! oh shit!! how embarrassing! Michelle bless her, took it in her stride and told me to surround myself with positive influences - cool.
Time to go - very quickly!
So now I had about 1 1/2 hours before Michelle was doing a talk so I went round all the outfit stands and tried on stuff, but nothing really grabbed me. Time for a cup of tea and sit down at the stage where Michelle was doing her talk.
I grabbed a seat and got chatting to some people in the audience when all of a sudden to everyones amazement, there was Michelle Bridges squeezing along my row and she came to stand in front of me and said 'I felt that I just had to give you a hug' - well I was completely blown away and gave her a big hug - wow! what a very sweet thing for her to do - I could feel the envy emanating from everybody in the audience!
you could have knocked me down with a feather....again :-)
After that I was all a bit emotionally worn out so I headed off to the airport early so I could relax and process the whole day - and what a lot to process!
I had training the next day and I must have still been on a high - Aiden asked what I'd been up to because I was glowing!
very very cool.
ok so after all the positive feedback I got from Sydney, training has been a piece of cake - I can't wait to get to the gym every day.
Trouble is training is about the only thing that seems to be going well at the moment - I so totally hate my job its such a depressing place to be and I'm so bored I've not been doing so well on my diet - I've been emotionally eating - ok so I haven't been eating cakes and bread or stuff like that, but I'll just have a few almonds or a few grapes or I'll just have an apple or another cup of tea - anything to distract myself from my job.
Easter was also a bit of a blow out - I actually bought a loaf of bread and 2 packets of biscuits!!! I can't even remember the last time I bought a loaf of bread! and there was the chocolate bunny that my trainer gave me - Aiden are you trying to make me fat??!!!
So I my goal all along has been to get to 12.5% body fat and given the last few weeks of not such good eating I wasn't terribly confident that I would have made much progress since my last assessment - especially since for some reason the last few days my stomach has been puffed up like a football. I'm not sure if its the new oestrogen supplements I'm on combined with the training supplements Aiden has got me on, but something is not quite right.
Kat also wasn't impressed when she went through my food diary - waay too much fruit and apparently I'm the most all over the place client she's got!! and I thought I was actually very good...oh well.
so to the measurements - fat pinches in the usual spots and....did I get to 12.5%??
Kat asked me what I was hoping the result would be, so I said 12.5%. Then she told me that I didn't make 12.5%... (bugger. I was so disappointed) - I made 11% instead !!!!
WOW!! thats 2.5% body fat lost in 5 weeks - thats absolutely amazing - I thought it was supposed to get harder as you get leaner! and I've still got 6 weeks before my photo shoot - I could get down to 10% or even 9% which is not far off competition levels - check out my back - I'm completely ripped up!!

now for the balancing act - I don't want to get to much leaner than this on my upper body, but I do want my legs to lean down because they're lagging behind the rest of me, although there definitely has been progress in the last 2 months.
Next assessment is in 3 weeks - who knows what that could turn up as I'm about to double my training load - at the moment I'm only doing about 35 - 45mins weights/day 6 days a week, not much considering the results i've just got so if I up it to about 90mins /day I hoping that will really bring out the finishing touches - remember the picture of the polished diamond on the previous page?
am sooo close!
till next time!
so what else is new? Well at the last minute I decided to pop up to Sydney for the Australian Fitness Expo on 17th April - I had several aims in mind, 1stly to meet the Jamie Eason one of the top fitness models for Oxygen Magazine - she's gorgeous! I also wanted to chat to the Oxygen models to get some tips for a photo shoot - yes I'm going to reward myself with a professional photo shoot for all my good work :-)
I also wanted to find out about what is involved with competing as a figure model, whether I've got the right type of physique and proportions - I've now had 8 personal trainers ask me what competition I'm working towards, so I must be doing something right, and finally I wanted to talk to Michelle and Shannon from The Biggest Loser and get their advice on how to deal with negative reactions from unexpected sources.
watch out! Woman on a mission!
The whole trip panned out better than I could have imagined! It was excellent. On the plane up to Sydney on sat night, the guy who sat next to me was HUGE obviously a VERY serious body builder - so I got chatting to him, which is not normally something I do on a plane - usually I just bury my head in a book, but I figured I could probably get some tips re figure modelling - any way this guy only turns out to be the current victorian bodybuilding champ and runner up in Mr Australia last year! so I hung out with him, we went and got sushi and then I caught up with him for brekky the next day - very cool.
So I get to the expo 1st in line - when the doors open, I'm off! 1st stop ASICS stand, talk to Shannon - but he was not doing sunday, bugger.
Next stop, Australian Institute of Fitness stand - Michelle Bridges - she's not there! bugger.
OK off to the Oxygen Mag stand - hooray! 1st success - Jamie Eason is there looking fabulous. I showed her my fat photos and asked her if she thought I should have a go at entering the Oxy mag cover girl comp - HUGE compliment she said to me that I almost looked like one of them so to absolutely give it a go! well knock me down with a feather!
Photo shoot is booked for 18th June! yay!
Ok, back to the AIF stand - still no Michelle, bugger.
back to oxy stand and I got talking to Nicky Jankovic - thank you Nicky for spending so much time with me being so generous with your knowledge and advice about competing, training, photo shoot tips and negative people - Elisabetta Rogiani outfit in blue on its way... (god I'm being a label queen!)
back to AIF stand again - yay! finally Michelle is there, she's signing her book and there's a massive queue. I really want to find out what she tells her contestants about handling not just the physical change they go through but the mental and emotional aspects of their transformation - because getting the contestants head in the right space is what they have to get right so they can survive on the outside.
So I join the queue and when I get to the front, I showed Michelle my fat photos and photo of me at the top of Kilimanjaro. She was very encouraging and then horror of horrors - I started asking her about negative people and I burst into tears!!! oh shit!! how embarrassing! Michelle bless her, took it in her stride and told me to surround myself with positive influences - cool.
Time to go - very quickly!
So now I had about 1 1/2 hours before Michelle was doing a talk so I went round all the outfit stands and tried on stuff, but nothing really grabbed me. Time for a cup of tea and sit down at the stage where Michelle was doing her talk.
I grabbed a seat and got chatting to some people in the audience when all of a sudden to everyones amazement, there was Michelle Bridges squeezing along my row and she came to stand in front of me and said 'I felt that I just had to give you a hug' - well I was completely blown away and gave her a big hug - wow! what a very sweet thing for her to do - I could feel the envy emanating from everybody in the audience!
you could have knocked me down with a feather....again :-)
After that I was all a bit emotionally worn out so I headed off to the airport early so I could relax and process the whole day - and what a lot to process!
I had training the next day and I must have still been on a high - Aiden asked what I'd been up to because I was glowing!
very very cool.
ok so after all the positive feedback I got from Sydney, training has been a piece of cake - I can't wait to get to the gym every day.
Trouble is training is about the only thing that seems to be going well at the moment - I so totally hate my job its such a depressing place to be and I'm so bored I've not been doing so well on my diet - I've been emotionally eating - ok so I haven't been eating cakes and bread or stuff like that, but I'll just have a few almonds or a few grapes or I'll just have an apple or another cup of tea - anything to distract myself from my job.
Easter was also a bit of a blow out - I actually bought a loaf of bread and 2 packets of biscuits!!! I can't even remember the last time I bought a loaf of bread! and there was the chocolate bunny that my trainer gave me - Aiden are you trying to make me fat??!!!
So I my goal all along has been to get to 12.5% body fat and given the last few weeks of not such good eating I wasn't terribly confident that I would have made much progress since my last assessment - especially since for some reason the last few days my stomach has been puffed up like a football. I'm not sure if its the new oestrogen supplements I'm on combined with the training supplements Aiden has got me on, but something is not quite right.
Kat also wasn't impressed when she went through my food diary - waay too much fruit and apparently I'm the most all over the place client she's got!! and I thought I was actually very good...oh well.
so to the measurements - fat pinches in the usual spots and....did I get to 12.5%??
Kat asked me what I was hoping the result would be, so I said 12.5%. Then she told me that I didn't make 12.5%... (bugger. I was so disappointed) - I made 11% instead !!!!
WOW!! thats 2.5% body fat lost in 5 weeks - thats absolutely amazing - I thought it was supposed to get harder as you get leaner! and I've still got 6 weeks before my photo shoot - I could get down to 10% or even 9% which is not far off competition levels - check out my back - I'm completely ripped up!!

now for the balancing act - I don't want to get to much leaner than this on my upper body, but I do want my legs to lean down because they're lagging behind the rest of me, although there definitely has been progress in the last 2 months.
Next assessment is in 3 weeks - who knows what that could turn up as I'm about to double my training load - at the moment I'm only doing about 35 - 45mins weights/day 6 days a week, not much considering the results i've just got so if I up it to about 90mins /day I hoping that will really bring out the finishing touches - remember the picture of the polished diamond on the previous page?
am sooo close!
till next time!
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